Undoubtedly, within a few decades (or less), we will rely on technology in a much more intimate way than we do today. For example, medical treatments may be tailored to an individual through routine daily detailed health check-ups, implants that restore or improve body function, and assistance systems that autonomously manage complex tasks.
NanoES research in this area is geared towards the development of portable, wearable, implantable and networked technology for personalized medical care and a more efficient, interconnected life.
Faculty Members

Eric Klavins
Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering
klavins@uw.edu | Website
The Klavins Lab develops synthetic living systems, re-engineered organisms, and engineered parts for existing organisms with an emphasis on designing gene circuits and cell-cell communication systems to enable novel multicellular behaviors in bacteria or yeast.

Mohammad Malakooti
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
malakoot@uw.edu | Website
The Malakooti Lab is developing new methodologies to synthesize and manufacture stable, mechanically robust, and functional nanomaterials that can be integrated into durable macrostructures in ways that harness their unique nanoscale properties.