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NanoES Building Ribbon Cutting Ceremony: December 4

 You’re Invited!

Participate in the kick-off of the Institute for Nano-engineered Systems as we celebrate the opening of the Nano Engineering & Sciences Building.

December 4, 2017// 4:00PM // NanoES Commons

We cordially invite you to the NanoES Building Ribbon Cutting Ceremony.

Join us afterwards for an evening of networking with food and drinks.

Please RSVP here.

Surface Characterization of Biomaterials Workshop: July 31-August 2

July 31 thru August 2, 2017
University of Washington, Seattle WA
Workshop flyer

This 2.5 day workshop includes lectures and surface analysis demonstrations. Demonstrations on NESAC/BIO instruments will provide application examples for the material covered in the workshop lectures. Attendees will learn the capabilities of biomedical surface analysis methods and how to intelligently review data received from surface analysis laboratories. NESAC/BIO faculty and staff will address the following topics at this workshop:

  • Introduction to Surface Analysis  (David Castner)
  • Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis  (Lara Gamble)
  • Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry  (David Castner)
  • Sum Frequency Generation  (Patrik Johansson)
  • Contact Angle Measurements  (Allan Hoffman)
  • Surface Modification (Allan Hoffman)
  • Multivariate Data Analysis  (Dan Graham)
  • Scanning Probe Microscopy  (Micah Glaz)
  • Surface Plasmon Resonance  (David Castner)
  • Quartz Crystal Microbalance (David Castner)
  • Near Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure  (Lara Gamble)
  • Multi-technique Biomedical Surface Analysis  (Buddy Ratner)
  • Instrument Demonstrations

To register and obtain further information please visit the NESAC/BIO Workshop website:


For more information, please contact
Prof. David G. Castner
Director, National ESCA & Surface Analysis Center for Biomedical Problems, an NIH-funded resource
Director, Molecular Analysis Facility
Molecular Engineering & Sciences Institute
Departments of Bioengineering & Chemical Engineering
Box 351653
University of Washington
Seattle, WA  98195-1653  USA
phone:  206-543-8094
fax:  206-221-7451

Job Opportunity – Deputy Director (Research Scientist / Engineering 4)

This position has been filled.

This position will perform advanced technical and organizational work using knowledge and experience that will support the vision and goals of the Institute for Nano-engineered Systems (NanoES) and the overarching National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI) network. The position will manage research projects and will assist with the writing of grant proposals under the guidance of Director Karl Böhringer and/or other NanoES and NNCI affiliated faculty. This position will need to understand the technical aspects of preparing proposals and be familiar with the technical focus areas of NanoES and NNCI, such as integrated photonics, bio-nano interfaces, advanced energy materials and devices, and scalable micro and nano fabrication techniques. The position will develop and implement communication strategies that increase external awareness of the mission of NanoES and NNCI, and represent the Institute and the Network within UW and at external events.

Please visit UW Human Resources for a more detailed description including requirements, benefits, and instructions on how to apply for this position.


Request for Proposals – NanoES Research Initiatives

The NanoES Institute offers 35,000 square feet of labs (including wet and optical space), offices, meeting rooms, communal areas, and extremely low vibration/EMI areas in a brand-new building. This space creates an opportunity to scale up ongoing research efforts with strong momentum and to create new, high-impact programs or shared instrumentation facilities. To this end, NanoES is announcing a request for proposals. We are seeking inventive, well-thought-out ideas to leverage this space for maximum effect including, but not limited to, new center efforts and hiring initiatives endorsed by department chairs.