Karl F. Böhringer
Director, Institute for Nano-Engineered Systems
Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Bioengineering
Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC)
The SAC makes recommendations on research and teaching related operations such as active space allocation and reassignment, development and implementation of MOUs, and the development of research priorities in NanoES.
- Lara Gamble – Research Associate Professor, Bioengineering; Director, Molecular Analysis Facility (MAF)
- Maria Huffman – Director, Washington Nanofabrication Facility (WNF)
- Arka Majumdar – Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering / Physics
- Igor Novosselov – Research Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
- Matthew Yankowitz – Assistant Professor, Physics and Materials Science & Engineering
Administrative Committee (AC)
The AC makes decisions on administrative, operational and fiscal issues. The committee is chaired by the Dean of the College of Engineering (or a delegate) and is comprised of Department Chairs whose faculty are members of NanoES or are participating in NanoES research.
- Nancy Allbritton, Frank & Julie Jungers Dean, College of Engineering
- James Carothers, Interim Chair, Chemical Engineering
- Princess Imoukhuede, W. Hunter and Dorothy Simpson Endowed Chair, Bioengineering
- Di Xiao, Chair, Materials Science & Engineering
- Eric Klavins, Chair, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Alberto Aliseda, Chair, Mechanical Engineering
- Kristi Morgansen, Chair, Aeronautics & Astronautics