Title: Silicon Integrated Circuit, Sensor, and System Approaches for Lab-on-CMOS Applications
Date & Time: Tuesday, Nov. 28th, 10:30-11:30 am
Location: 105 EEB
Abstract: The Lab-on-CMOS research community leverages the power and economies of scale of modern silicon integrated circuits, built up over the previous fifty years for high-performance computation and imaging, for low-cost chemical and biological sensing applications. The integration of new materials, sensing modalities, and intelligent computation in CMOS-based sensor platforms enables a broad range of miniaturized diagnostic, therapeutic, and continuous monitoring systems. In this talk, I will present a survey of ongoing research in my lab focused on the chip-level development and system-level integration of IC-based sensors for physical, chemical, and biological sensing. This includes CMOS-integrated single-photon detectors, high dynamic range visible light sensing, on-chip high-voltage sensor biasing, low-voltage energy harvesting, and applications in radiation sensing and continuous biological monitoring. I will also describe our recently developed approach for the planar integration of IC-based sensors with microfluidic sample delivery using scalable, manufacturable processes.
Bio (IEEE): Matthew L. Johnston received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, in 2005, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Columbia University, New York, NY, in 2006 and 2012, respectively.
He is currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Oregon State University. He was co-founder and manager of research at Helixis, a Caltech-based spinout developing instrumentation for real-time PCR, from 2007 until its acquisition by Illumina in 2010. From 2012 to 2013 he was a postdoctoral scholar in the Bioelectronic Systems Lab at Columbia University. He is a co-founder of Chimera Instruments, which designs high-speed electrophysiology amplifiers for biophysics research, and previously founder of Bialanx, which was awarded an NSF SBIR Grant in 2013 for work in radiation biodosimetry.
Prof. Johnston currently runs the Sensors and Integrated Microelectronics Laboratory (SIM Lab) at Oregon State University, which leverages custom CMOS IC design and post-fabrication to build miniaturized sensor systems. His current research interests include integration of sensors and transducers with active CMOS substrates, lab-on-CMOS platforms for label-free chemical and biological sensing, and low-power distributed sensing applications.