The AeroSpec team cofounded by Sep Makhsous and Jiayang (Joe) He, PhD students in the lab of NanoES faculty member Igor Novosselov, won the $5,000 Fenwick & West fourth place prize at the 2019 Dempsey Startup Competition, an event hosted by the UW Foster School’s Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship. The team of mechanical, electrical and computer engineering students combined innovate hardware and software to create a real-time air quality monitoring system. The personal monitor AeroSpec developed also collects airborne nanoparticles into a transparent cartridge for the in-depth pollutant analysis at a minimum cost. The team also includes undergraduate student of electrical engineering Zoe Gregory and computer science and engineering undergraduate student Nikhil Sharma. Congratulations!
Read more about the 2019 Dempsey Startup Competition winners: https://depts.washington.edu/foster/awards-2019-dempsey-startup-competition/