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For inquiries related to the NanoES Institute, contact us at: | 206-221-0560

For inquiries related to the NanoES building, contact our building manager John Young at: | 206-616-6627


General Mailing Address for US Mail
Institute for Nano-Engineered Systems
University of Washington
Box XXXXXX (find to the right)
Seattle, WA 98195-XXXX (last four digits of box #)


Ground Floor: Box 351651
1st Floor: Box 351652
2nd Floor: Box 351653
3rd Floor: Box 351654
4th Floor: Box 351655

Delivery Address for FedEx, UPS, DHL, etc.
Name or Lab Name
University of Washington
Nano Engineering & Sciences Building Room #
4000 15th Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98195

Street Address for pickup
Nano Engineering & Sciences Building
3946 W Stevens Way NE
Seattle, WA 98195